Monday, January 23, 2017

And That's Just The First Line 2.0

Is the world making you feel upset, scared, angry, powerless? Do you want something to escape and to calm you, to take you somewhere else for a while?


What are your favorite books? Do you remember the first line of them, or any memorable lines? Why did you like them? You could consider re-reading them, or.....

Imagine how these books turn out eventually:

"A Screaming Comes Over the Sky."                                              Gravity's Rainbow
"Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family
is unhappy in its own way."                                                              Anna Karenina

"I am an invisible man."                                                                    The Invisible Man

"124 was spiteful."                                                                             Beloved

"It was the day my grandmother exploded."                                    Crow Road

"Once upon a time, there was a woman who
discovered she had turned into the wrong person."                       Back When We Were Grownups

"I was 17 years old when I saw my first dead body."                  Where Things Come Back
"The first thing you find out when yer dog learns
to talk is that dogs don't got nothing much to say."                            Mortal Engines

"Here is a weird one for you."                                                          Signifying Nothing
"The magician's underwear has just been found
in a cardboard suitcase floating in a stagnant pond
on the outskirts of Miami."                                                     Another Roadside Attraction

"Dear anyone who reads this, do not blame the drugs."             Cruddy

"Pale freckled eggs."                                                                 The Conservationist

"It was a wrong number that started it."                                              City of Glass

And the traditional opening line that Snoopy loves so much:
"It was a dark and stormy night."                                                         Paul Clifford

Do any of these stir up some interest? Find them at your local library in the usual book form, or borrow them as e-books on your phone, tablet, or computer (did you know that ebooks take up virtually no room in your computer?) and settle in for some good reads. If you haven't used your library to download an e-book, their librarians can guide you through it, it's easy!

Many e-books are available for free download from Amazon  , Bookbub: , the Gutenberg Project. ,Goodreads: or at Open Culture: .

If you visit one of these sites and search free classic books you will find lots of them that can be downloaded for free, such as:
Tale of Two Cities
The Great Gatsby
Pride and Prejudice
The Hobbit
Jane Eyre
The Scarlet Letter
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Tom Sawyer
The Time Machine
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
--and other works by Dickens, F Scott Fitzgerald.... Look around, find something interesting, and settle in for a good read.

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