Monday, May 7, 2018

You're Not That Lost

Often, a student sees our office and rather tentatively pokes her head in, or a toe, or a shoulder, and asks for directions. We don't mind: when you're new to a building, it always seems like a maze.

Today, a young woman stopped in, looking totally confused, and timidly said: "I know this sounds stupid, but I'm so lost. I need to find the Testing Center." She didn't realize how close she was: just a hallway and a turn to the right, and she'd be there. I said to her: You're not that lost. I showed her the way, and off she went. As I sometimes do, I watched her to make sure she headed the right way, and she did. And no, her question didn't sound stupid at all.

Some of you are off to new adventures: In the fall, you'll start college. Or, you'll be taking different classes with different instructors than last year.

Or, you're graduating and heading out into the world.

And you might be feeling a little lost. All the familiar things are now removed, with or without ceremony, and while it's invigorating and exciting, it's also intimidating to have to start all over again. You really want to take it on yourself, but you're torn between "I can do this on my own" and "Help! I'm so clueless!"

As you've grown, I hope you've learned two things: One, that you are usually very capable of figuring things out for yourself, and Two, it's sometimes necessary to ask for help.

Sure, a lot of navigating in your new world involves geography.: where on earth is Room 423-B???You may need to find the location of an interview, or you may be starting a new job. Finding your way around an unfamiliar place is quite a challenge at first, but you'll get the hang of it. .

When you look at the whole picture to see where it is you want to go, and how to get there-academically, career-wise, and in your life, there are lots of paths to take. Maybe you feel overwhelmed, as if it's too much for you. But try not to panic: Friends, parents, advisors, counselors, all can help. Whatever you can figure out for yourself, bravo. And when you find yourself a little lost, it's ok to ask directions. You're not weak or stupid to ask; in fact, it's a sign of wisdom and courage to realize you need some assistance.

Mr. Rogers once said, "Look for the helpers." Everyone needs to seek out a helper from time to time, and we're out here waiting for you to ask.

You might be just a little lost.

And you might find that you were closer to your goal than you thought you were.

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